Designer Smiles

What is Dental Frenectomy: Procedure, Types, Benefits & Aftercare

A lady having Dental Frenectomy from a dentist

What is a Dental Frenectomy?

Frenectomy, alternatively called frenotomy are procedures where binding tissue on the body is modified or cut. Circumcision is a common type of frenectomy performed by medical professionals. Frenectomies are pretty standard, especially among infants. In the United States, genital Frenectomies happen frequently.

The Process of Getting a Dental Frenectomy

Dental Frenectomies involve lingual and maxillary procedures:

a) Lingual Frenectomy

Your tongue connects to your mouth by the lingual frenum. When you touch your mouth roof with your tongue, you will likely feel the lingual frenum stretching beneath your tongue. Lingual frenum length differs for everyone. However, many people are born with shortened lingual frenum, which restricts the movement of the tongue. Ankyloglossia or tongue-tie is the name of this condition affecting approximately five percent of infants. Tongue-tie interferes with breastfeeding and speech development. A lingual frenectomy helps provide the tongue better range of motion.

b) Maxillary Frenectomy

The top lip connects to the gum area above your front teeth by the labial frenum. If you have a shortened frenum, it causes challenges with speech development. The condition is also referred to as lip adhesion. Lip adhesions also make it challenging for dental development, making it difficult for you to clean your gums and front teeth to increase the risk of gum disease and other complications. Maxillary Frenectomies help give your upper lip extra mobility.

The Frenectomy Procedure

After consulting our dentist for frenectomy in Coral Springs 33067, you will realize the procedure is relatively straightforward and involve the following steps.

  • The patient getting the frenectomy must lie face up when receiving the treatment. Children need holding during the procedure.
  • The professional applies a topical anesthetic to numb pain.
  • Next, the professional quickly snips the frenum using scalpels, surgical scissors, or cauterizing instruments.
  • If the lip tie is complicated or severe, sutures may be added to close the incision.
  • The procedure requires 15 minutes or less with the professional.

Types of Dental Frenectomies

There are two types of dental Frenectomies. They are frenectomy in infants and adult frenectomy:

1) Frenectomy In Infants

  • Infants are generally identified with lip and tongue-tie.
  • Children with this condition confront challenges when breastfeeding resulting in slow weight gain or weight loss.
  • In addition, breastfeeding mothers might experience more pain when feeding the baby if the child has a lip or tongue tie.
  • Frenectomies in infants are relatively simple. A healthcare provider or the frenectomy dentist performs the process in the dental office with minimal complications and risks.

2) Adult Frenectomy

  • Aging changes the overall cavity significantly.
  • You might not require an adult frenectomy if your speech normally develops without causing problems when eating or drinking.
  • However, if the frenum pulls away from the lower front teeth resulting in gum recession or restricting the mobility of your tongue or the ability to move your lips, you might need an adult frenectomy to correct the problem.
  • Adult frenectomy procedures require a longer recovery time.

Benefits of a Dental Frenectomy

The benefits of a lingual frenectomy include the following:

  • Helps reduce discomfort and pain.
  • Eliminates gaps between the two front teeth.
  • Improves bite function.
  • Promotes self-confidence in young adults and teenagers.

Lingual frenectomy also helps with the following:

  • Improvement in speech function.
  • Enhances eating and appetite.

Dental Frenectomy Aftercare Tips

Recovery after a dental frenectomy is relatively straightforward. Here are some tips suggested by our dentist in Coral Springs, FL:

  • Keeping the area clean is essential but relatively straightforward in infants.
  • Adults must limit the foods they eat for a few days because food particles trapped at the affected site can increase the risk of infections.
  • The Coral Springs healthcare provider might prescribe oral antibiotics as a preventive measure against infections and complications.
  • The surgical site begins healing within a day or two. After about a week, you might notice scarring on the surgical site. However, you can resume regular activities during the period.

Visit a Frenectomy Dentist Near You

Dental Frenectomies are relatively straightforward and quick in-office procedures. They have become common in recent times as professionals in the medical fraternity think the strategies help with breastfeeding and speech development. Minimal risks are involved when releasing a report tongue-tie. The recovery is fast and does not cause undue discomfort.

If you suspect that you or your child has a lip or tongue tie, discuss the issue with our frenectomy dentist near Ridgeview, Coral Springs, FL for help with your situation.

We at Designer Smiles, FL offer dental frenectomy in Coral Springs, FL helping them improve their mouth’s functionality and overcome speech impediments. If you think you are confronting this problem, kindly arrange a meeting with the practice to determine whether you need a dental frenectomy.