Designer Smiles

How Periodontal Maintenance is Easy with Proper Oral Hygiene

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As someone with periodontal disease, you may have unhealthy gums that are pulling away from your teeth, making them look longer. You may also be affected by other symptoms indicating the onset of periodontitis.

They are:

  • Dusky, bright red, or purplish gums
  • Tenderness in the gums when touched
  • Bleeding in the gums when brushing and flossing
  • Pain when chewing
  • Bad breath
  • Receding gums
  • Changes in the way your teeth fit together when biting

Visiting a Dentist to Overcome This Problem

Developing periodontal disease means you have been neglecting your dentist’s suggested schedule for regular dental checkups. However, if you are exhibiting the symptoms as mentioned above, you must schedule an appointment with your dentist at the earliest. Your chances of reversing the damage caused by periodontitis are higher when you seek prompt treatment.

The Causes of Periodontal Disease

The onset of periodontal disease begins with the development of plaque, which is a sticky film of bacteria. When left untreated, plaque eventually advances to periodontitis.

Plaque begins to form on your teeth when the sugars and starches in the food begin to interact with the bacteria in your mouth. Removing plaque is not difficult and only requires brushing twice a day and flossing. This sticky film begins to harden under your gum line and turn into tartar when it is allowed to remain on your teeth. Tartar cannot be removed from your teeth by brushing, and the combination of plaque and tartar together creates more damage requiring you to visit a dentist in Coral Springs to have it removed.

Gingivitis is the condition caused by plaque and is the mildest variety of gum disease. It is inflammation and irritation on your gum tissue around the base of your teeth. It can be reversed easily with treatment from a professional and with good oral hygiene routine. However, if you allow the condition to progress into periodontitis, the deep infections will cause loss of tissue and bone to eventually leave you with one or more missing teeth.

What Are the Complications of Periodontal Disease?

Advanced conditions like periodontitis can result in tooth loss. The bacteria responsible for this condition can enter your bloodstream to affect other parts of your body. You could suffer from complications like respiratory disease, coronary artery disease, rheumatoid arthritis, and diabetes.

What Is the Best Way to Prevent Periodontitis?

Periodontitis is not difficult to prevent, as mentioned earlier, by following a program of proper oral hygiene, beginning the practice early in life, and continuing with it throughout your life.

Proper oral hygiene will require you to brush your teeth twice a day for two minutes each time, starting in the morning and just before going to bed at night. Flossing is also a habit you must inculcate, and if you decide to floss before you brush, you can clean the loosened food particles and bacteria from your mouth. Proper oral hygiene inhibits the development of an environment around your teeth favorable to certain bacteria that are the culprits for causing periodontal disease.

Visiting Designer Smiles, FL, regularly for cleanings twice a year is also recommended to prevent periodontal disease and maintain your oral health in good condition. If your chances of developing this condition are high because you have a dry mouth, need to take certain medications, or are smoking, visits to the dentist for professional cleanings will be needed frequently.

Dentists can help you to reverse the condition of periodontal disease and give you a customized maintenance plan to ensure you are not affected again by this problem. However, you will be responsible for the maintenance. Not maintaining good oral health will result in invasive treatments, which may even include expensive surgery. The best way to deal with periodontal disease is to ensure it doesn’t develop, but if you are affected, you can use the periodontal maintenance tips provided.