Designer Smiles

All You Need to Know About Gingival Irrigation

A lady getting Gingival Irrigation treatment

There are a few ways that can stop the spread of periodontal disease and improve your oral health. One of the treatments that can take care of periodontal disease is also known as gingival or oral or pocket irrigation.

What is Gingival Irrigation?

Gingival irrigation is a dental procedure that effectively flushes out bacteria, plaque, and other toxins that may have been trapped in the small spaces between your teeth and under your gumline, preventing the build-up of harmful bacteria. This treatment is also used to deliver antimicrobials under your gumline. This article will explain some things you need to know about gingival irrigation.

How does Gingival Irrigation Work?

Gingival irrigation can be done as a stand-alone or combined with other dental treatments. For example, during deep cleaning for periodontal disease, the gingival irrigator is often used after your dentist has performed root planing and scaling. Oral irrigation flushes out periodontal sockets and is used to apply an antimicrobial substance to eliminate any harmful bacteria further.

If you have advanced periodontitis, oral irrigation can be used as an adjunct to pocket reduction surgery. Our dentist in Coral Springs, FL will do oral irrigation at the end of the procedure as an additional method of removing harmful bacteria.

Why Do You Need Oral Irrigation

Gingival irrigation can help in the following ways:

  1. It Prevents Bad Breath (Halitosis): Halitosis is generally caused by food particles stuck between your teeth or tooth decay. A toothbrush or a dental pick may not be able to reach into your deep gum pockets. Pocket irrigators can effectively flush out food particles in your mouth and help clean above and below your gum line
  2. Antimicrobial Application: Antimicrobial substances are effective in eliminating harmful oral bacteria. When combined with water or as a stand-alone treatment, it can flush out your periodontal pockets, making them germ-free and clean.
  3. Interdental Cleaning: Pocket irrigators remove debris, food particles, and plaque between your teeth. Removing these harmful materials and bacteria helps your gum tissue remain healthy.
  4. Subgingival Cleaning: Pocket irrigators have rounded tips, so there are no risks that the tissue will be damaged when cleaning below your gumline. In addition, the irrigator’s shape facilitates extensive cleansing by flushing out toxins, bacteria, and other particles.

How Painful is the Gingival Irrigation Process?

Fortunately, if you are scared of suffering pain or have some dental anxiety, you can talk to your dentist about any anesthetic options. The periodontist can numb your area with injectible anesthetics or anesthetic gel. Sleep dentistry or conscious sedation may also be an option, which means that you will be in deep slumber throughout the procedure and will unlikely feel any of the activities happening in your mouth.

Before the dental deep cleaning procedure, the gums may be inflamed or swollen. Additionally, the deep pockets may also be filled with bacteria, which is why scaling, and root planning effectively correct the problems. However, they are bound to cause bleeding and discomfort to an extent. Our periodontist in Coral Springs, FL, will administer local anesthesia if your dental deep-cleaning process is likely to cause serious irritation.

Discomfort after the Procedure

Patients should be aware that it is normal to experience discomfort after gingival irrigation, but it is bearable. There are also options available to reduce sensitivity or soreness due to the cleaning. Over-the-counter painkillers are also recommended to reduce pain. In addition, rinsing your mouth with salt water can help alleviate the discomfort and swelling.

Post-procedural symptoms like discomfort, teeth sensitivity, and bleeding should not persist past a week. Bleeding, gum swelling and tenderness will improve with time, provided that you take the recommended precaution and brush carefully. Generally, the discomfort usually stops within at most two days for some patients.

Oral Irrigation at Home

In addition to being used in the dental office, oral irrigation can also be done at home using a water pick. The water pick delivers a jet of high-pressure water to remove food particles, and other debris stuck between your teeth. Most individuals prefer a water pick to floss when it comes to cleaning between their teeth. However, if you cannot floss your teeth well, you can opt to use a water pick.

Get Oral Irrigation From a Dentist Near You

Are you in search of getting oral Irrigation in Coral Springs, FL? Give us a call or book an appointment with us at Designer Smiles FL!